If there ever was a prolific poet and hymn writer, Fanny Crosby would definitely be at the top of the list. Blinded as a child after a very wrong medical procedure, she quickly learned that feeling sorry for herself would not get her anywhere significant in life. With her vision impairment, she also realized that she would need to develop other senses to accommodate and reach her objectives. With the encouragement of her Grandmother, she memorized whole books of the Bible and gained a spiritual depth other people only dream of. Often her writings were as a result of her Biblical understanding or life experiences she would have.
Fanny told the story of a time during a personal financial difficulty that she needed 5.00 dollars and did not know where she would get it. Instinctively, she began to pray about this matter. Within a few minutes a stranger appeared at her door with just the right amount. “I have no way of accounting for this,” she wrote, “except to believe that God answered my prayer.” She continues, “My first thought was, it is so wonderful the way the Lord leads me. I immediately wrote the poem and Dr. Robert Lowry set it to music.” Another one of her many testimonies in song was born to bless all the generations yet to come. This one called, ALL THE WAY MY SAVIOUR LEADS ME.