So many writings, poems and songs that bring spiritual motivation or encouragement have been composed by un-identified authors. The hymn, BE THOU MY VISION, is one of those anonymous but inspiring verses. This eighteenth-century, Irish text was written in the quaint Celtic style. It reminds us of the ageless need of man to have a heavenly vision. It encourages humankind to experience God’s care and personal presence throughout this earthly pilgrimage.
Mary Byrne, first translated this ancient poem into English prose in 1905. Later the poem was versified by Eleanor Hull in 1912. The traditional Irish tune was originally used with a secular text. In 1919 the text and tune became associated together when the hymn was published in the IRISH CHURCH HYMNAL.
BE THOU MY VISION, has become the prayer of so many who are seeking God...the High King of be their guide and treasure throughout life. May this be your prayer too.