Dr. Robert Lowry, is a name you will hear often, as we discover the stories of traditional hymns. Born in 1826, Robert accepted Christ as his personal Saviour at the age of 17. After graduating with honors from Bucknell University and having received his doctorate, he began his pastoral ministry. He pastored several important churches in Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York City and Brooklyn. Lowry was recognized as a most capable minister of the gospel, possessing keen insight and strong administrative ability. He continued in active Christian ministry until his home-going in 1899.
Music and a knowledge of hymnology were his favourite studies. He composed many hymns and tunes, also publishing many songbooks. His hymn, CHRIST AROSE, is an Easter celebratory hymn written in 1874. It was inspired during his devotions one night when Robert read Luke 24:6-8 where the passage records in part…” He is not here, but is risen:”
There is a vivid contrast of the verses with their moods of death and then a refrain with its celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. Listen for these dynamics when you sing…CHRIST AROSE.