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On Good Friday, we remember the mean, painful death that Jesus Christ willingly endured.  He faced it rejected and alone.  On Easter Sunday our minds turn to rejoicing when we contemplate His resurrection from the grave!  If Jesus did not rise from the dead…as was prophesied and as He Himself said He would, our faith is futile.  The story is not finished until Easter morning.


Don Francisco, is a Christian musician, song writer and entertainer.   In 1975, he was inspired to write a song about the Resurrection.  Don would often write his songs as a story.  He started to write this song text through the perspective of Thomas…but it wasn’t working at all.  He then realized that it should be from the perspective of Peter.  You see, he really identified with Peter. 


His father was a Baptist preacher and a seminary professor.  But like Peter, Don had turned away from Jesus.  He recalls that as he desperately searched for some kind of love, he turned to other things like Transcendental Meditation. One morning while in a state of meditation alone in his room, he heard a voice as clear as if someone was in the room next to him.  The voice said, (I quote), “Don, this is Jesus.  I love you.  Why do you keep running from me?”  Don recalls thinking, Jesus had not even mentioned the bad parts of his life…He had simply told him that He loved him.  Don, responded to this love that day.


Two years later, Don wrote his very powerful song called HE’S ALIVE.  It was released in 1977.  The song has since been sung and recorded by countless artists. For his composition, Don was named the Songwriter of the Year and He’s Alive was awarded Song of the Year at the Dove Awards in 1980.  In 1989, Dolly Parton and the Christ Church Choir made a powerful recording as they brought the song to life in her 1989 appearance at the CMA Awards. 

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