Like most of the African American Spirituals, HE’S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS, has no verified author. At one time there was some credit attributed to a couple of writers in the early 20th century. This song has become one of the most widely known and loved spirituals. It is sung by young and old alike, everywhere. Like other songs arising out of an oral tradition, it has many variations in tune, and allows for the creation of other versions of text. The theme reminds us that “The Lord Reigns” and He is sovereign in the whole world including nature and human creatures. It is a hymn of assurance confessing God’s rule and providence in the universe.
This spiritual was first published in 1927 and was recorded by many artists over the years. The recording by English singer, Laurie London with the Geoff Love Orchestra reached number 12 on the UK Singles Chart in 1957. It was the first and remains one of the few gospel songs to hit number 1 on a US pop singles chart.
The assurance that regardless of our circumstances, our eternal destiny is in the hands of our Sovereign God gives us a wonderful and sure hope!