Many may not be aware that John Newton, the author of one of the most famed and requested hymns of all time…Amazing Grace…wrote other texts as well. HOW SWEET THE NAME OF JESUS SOUNDS, is one of them.
We are called to trust God…but that is not a chore…when you know the One in whom you place your trust. Your trust becomes a natural response to the wonderful knowledge of who Jesus Christ is.
The story is told of John Newton, this converted slave ship captain, preaching one of his final sermons before his home-going at the age of 82. His eyesight was nearly gone and his memory had become faulty. It was necessary for an assistant to stand in the pulpit to help him with his sermon. On this Sunday during his address, Newton had twice read the words, “Jesus Christ is precious”. Leaning in, the helper whispered, “You have already said that twice”. John replied, “I have already said that twice…and I’m going to say it again,” The rafters rang out as the old preacher shouted, “JESUS CHRIST IS PRECIOUS!”
We would encourage you to look up the hymn HOW SWEET THE NAME OF JESUS SOUNDS, and read John Newton’s text. You can trust Jesus Christ who is the same then as now and as always!